Inspiring Environment for Integrated Learning

The second training sessions on building an inspirational environment for integrated learning was held on 7-8 March 2020 attended by preschool institutions included in SUPER project.

The trainings were hled in eight groups attended by preshool teachers from Bela Crkva, Srbobran and Mali Idjos, Bajina Basta, Osecina, Trstenik and Cicevac, Velika Plana, Knjazevac, Svrljig and Brus.

The purpose of these trainings is to strengthen capacity of preschool teachers to develop a quality inclusive program based on contemporary pedagogical concepts in line with  the new Preschool  Curriculum Framework “Years of Ascent”.

The training is accredited by the Minister's decision and is on the List of Programs of Public Importance. A total of 44 training sessions will be organized, which will be implemented as a two-day (2) live –in pre-school training + 1 day online.

It is envisaged that 1500 preschool teachers in 50 preschool institutions involved in the SUPER project will participate at the trainings.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to declare state of emergency in order to prevent spread of infectious disease COVID-19, planned trainings for preschool teachers for next period are postponed until further notice.

In line with the epidemiological situation and the Government decisions, the project team will redefine dynamics of the planned trainings and inform preschool institutions in a timely manner.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13